West Hollywood City Council Indefinitely Postpones Further Action On One-Year Written Lease Requirem

Industry News,

On Tuesday, January 21st, the West Hollywood City Council indefinitely tabled the adoption of a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA) that would have required an initial one-year lease term on all apartments and accessory dwelling units within the City. Throughout 2019, the ZTA had been repeatedly discussed and was pending the Council’s second vote for adoption.

During Council deliberations, the Association submitted numerous letters to the Council expressing opposition to the proposed one-year minimum lease requirement ordinance and the negative impact that mandating one year leases would have on both West Hollywood’s owners and their renters by eliminating any flexibility to determine the tenancy duration that best suits the housing provider’s and renter’s circumstances. Additionally, we highlighted the importance of flexible lease terms which are vital for so many renters who are working in the entertainment, construction, sales, and medical industries, for individuals going through a transitional period and those who have just experienced the loss or damage to their homes following a natural disaster.

While the Association will continue to monitor this issue, we are optimistic that the Council’s action reflects a recognition of the importance of maintaining flexible lease terms.

We provide resources to help you write effective advocacy letters on virtually any rent regulation topic. Please see https://aagla.org/resources/ for our complete directory of topics and available resources.

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