Reminder: Deadline for submitting the RSO and JCO fees is Friday, February 28th.

Industry News,

On January 27, 2023, Los Angeles City Ordinance No. 187737, the so-called “Just Cause Evictions Protections Ordinance” (JCO), became effective, providing eviction protections under City law to all non-Rent Stabilization Ordinance (Non-RSO) residential rental units. See the City’s website for more information about the Just Cause Evictions Protections Ordinance at

The City of Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) 2025 Annual Bill for rental units has been issued and includes the new JCO program annual fee of $31.05 per unit, which applies to all Non-RSO rental units.

As this JCO fee is effective for 2025 and thereafter, if an automatic payment has been scheduled through banking institutes, we encourage rental property owners and managers to update their authorized amount. This will prevent underpayment of the annual fees. Please make sure you have the correct mailing address (Post Office Box 102658, Pasadena, California 91189). A new Pay-by-Phone payment option is now available by calling 844-PAY-LAHD (844-729-5243). This option offers 24/7 access, payment by debit/credit cards, or ACH payments. Please have your APN and Statement number available when you call.

The 2025 RSO fee ($38.75) & SCEP fee ($67.94) remain unchanged.

Important Update: February 28, 2025 – LAHD Annual Bill Payments Due

Please note that payments must be RECEIVED by LAHD by February 28, 2025, at the latest, to be considered timely. A delinquent fee will be assessed on the account for payments received after this date. LAHD recommends paying at least ten (10) days prior to the due date to prevent delinquent fee assessment. REMEMBER, the Pay-by-Phone (844-PAY-LAHD) is a new added feature!!! The annual Rent Registry Form for all rental units must also be submitted to LAHD by February 28, 2025.

To avoid late fees, LAHD strongly encourages using the Online Customer Payment Portal (CP), accessed through our secure and user-friendly Customer Portal (CP) through the website  It is quick, allows you to avoid lines or USPS delivery delays, and you can be sure the payment has been received when you receive an electronic payment confirmation email.

Customer Portal

LAHD reports it has enhanced the user experience of the Customer Portal, which can be accessed via a computer or a mobile device.

Customers can:

  • Add all the properties owned and manage their billings using one single account;
  • Pay LAHD fees, submit rent / JCO Rent Registry and Ownership Registration Forms, and request unit exemptions;
  • Receive payment confirmation emails and RSO certificates;
  • Submit forms online to LAHD by attaching documents;
  • Save time in registration by using our FAST Payment feature;
  • Set-up an owner-representative account to allow online access to your agent/management company;
  • Use credit/debit card or ACH (E-check) to make payments;
  • Access helpful online video tutorials to guide you through any doubt about the payment process;
  • Consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and easily contact LAHD for any questions concerning the bill received.

Access to online accounts can be completed easily by entering the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) and Statement Number, which are located at the top-right corner of your Annual Bill. Customers may visit one of the LAHD public counters (listed online at In-person or virtual (online) appointments can be scheduled at Walk-ins (with no appointment) will be available on a limited basis. Please schedule an appointment to guarantee available services. If you need assistance, please call our toll-free hotline at (866) 557-RENT [7368].

If paying by mail, the LAHD asks that housing providers include the payment coupon and write the APN number on the check/money order. The USPS “Postmark” is not accepted as an indicator of a timely payment. Mail delays are also not accepted as justification for a payment received after the due date. If paying by mail, you are encouraged to mail all payments at least 10-days prior to the deadline, to ensure timely receipt.

The Annual Bill includes a FAQ sheet to assist with general questions, as well as an exemption form to request a waiver from the annual fee which may be found at  see the form for more information.  Landlords and property managers can visit the LAHD website at for assistance  accessing their accounts or registering their property online. You can also contact LAHD using the portal or via email at or by calling the LAHD Billing Helpline at (877) 614-6873. LAHD also encourages property owners to visit the website at to pay fees online and ensure that payments are received on time.