National Apartment Association Set to Launch Group Health Insurance Program Available to All Members

Industry News,

As a member of the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA), you also automatically become members of the National Apartment Association (NAA). One of the benefits of AAGLA membership and its affiliation with NAA is that group healthcare benefits will soon be available to all members, whether members are individuals, families, small employers, or large employers. By joining a group healthcare plan, individual and small employer (under 50 employees) can often realize tremendous savings while at the same time gain better coverage.

Recently, NAA has partnered with Decisely to provide group healthcare coverage to all AAGLA and NAA members, including members that are owners or managers of rental property and members that are vendors to the multifamily housing industry (e.g., Products and Services Council, or “PSC” members). The clear goal of this new program within NAA is to eliminate for members the stress of finding affordable healthcare coverage, and provide affordable, comprehensive benefits to all members and their employees.

Again, this new group healthcare insurance program is available exclusively for members and their employees of NAA affiliates like AAGLA. The group healthcare insurance program will offer a full selection of high-quality insurance and health care solutions to meet the needs of AAGLA members, their families and employees.

For more information about this important new benefit for AAGLA and NAA members, NAA has now launched the “NAA Insurance Center.” To learn more, go to the NAA Insurance Center at Further updates and information will be forthcoming as this new group healthcare insurance program is rolled out. So, be on the lookout for more information from the AAGLA and the NAA Insurance Center highlighting the exclusive benefits for our members.