Los Angeles City and Los Angeles County Eviction Moratorium Updates

Local News Alerts,

This article is contributed by David Piotrowski, Law Offices of David Piotrowski

There is finally some hope for housing providers and property owners. Both the City of Los Angeles (City Council) and the County of Los Angeles (Board of Supervisors) have recently discussed a phase out and gradual end to the eviction moratorium in both LA city and LA county. However, both the city and county are also discussing imposing additional permanent tenant protections that would hinder the ability of property owners to evict tenants in the future.


Los Angeles County Eviction Moratorium Updates

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors decided in September 2022 to launch an outreach campaign to prepare both landlords and tenants for the end of the LA county eviction moratorium. The September 2022 motion, which passed by a vote of 3-2, aims to establish a communication strategy to notify landlords and tenants about the formal conclusion of the tenant eviction moratorium.

The Los Angeles County eviction moratorium applies in the unincorporated parts of the County as well as incorporated cities that do not have their own eviction moratorium. Most parts of the eviction moratorium are set to expire at the end of the year. But, don’t get too excited yet. Anything can happen between now and the end of the year. To be clear, some members on the Board of Supervisors are hoping and seeking additional tenant protections that could become permanent.

(Editor’s Note: On October 19th, a Federal District Court judge in favor of the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles and Apartment Association of California, Inc. by granting a motion for preliminary injunction. The Court order gives Los Angeles County until December 1st to modify its eviction moratorium, and at that same time, the County will no longer be able to enforce its existing eviction moratorium ordinance.)


Los Angeles City Eviction Moratorium Updates (October 2022)

On October 4, 2022, the Los Angeles city council voted to wind down the eviction moratorium that has been in place since March 2020, making it one of the longest COVID tenant protections in the country.  Pending a final ordinance, non-payment of rent [unlawful detainer] cases will be allowed to resume in February 2023. It is important to note that this will apply to tenants who do not pay their rent from February 2023 and beyond. Tenants who owe rent prior to February 2023 will get extra time to pay back that rent and landlords will not be allowed to evict tenants for that rent until a later date. The bottom line is, if a tenant fails to pay the rent in February 2023, landlords will be able to use that non-payment as a reason to evict, but landlords may not be able to include on a 3-day notice to pay rent or quit rent that became due prior to February 2023.

No-fault evictions may finally be allowed beginning in February 2023, subject to [the City’s Rent Stabilization Oridnance’s] RSO rules and any new rules that the city council implements.

Rent increases for RSO buildings will be allowed beginning in February 2024. (Rent increases in non-RSO buildings are already allowed, subject to other laws.) Tenants will also be able to be evicted for unauthorized occupants and unauthorized pets in February 2024, and only after the landlord has provided a 30-day notice for the tenant to remedy the situation (this goes beyond California law, which requires a 3-day notice for such cases). Yes, you read the year correctly: “2024.”

Housing providers, beware: the city council is also discussing adding tenant protections that would apply to properties that have historically been exempt from City’s RSO. Among other things, these proposed new tenant protections could impose strict roadblocks to no-fault evictions.


Attorney David Piotrowski has been representing landlords / plaintiffs by filing eviction cases against tenants.  He is admitted to practice law in all California courts and the United States District Court for the Central District of California. He is a highly respected eviction attorney and is a frequent referral source for landlords, real estate agents, real estate brokers, and other attorneys. Mr. Piotrowski received a B.A. from UCLA and a J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law. For more information, go to: www.AttorneyDavid.com.