Your Voice Matters: Contact Congress to Oppose Rent Control

Industry News,

Your Voice Matters: Contact Congress to Oppose Rent Control

  • President Biden recently proposed raising taxes on certain apartment owners and operators who raise rents more than 5% in a year.

  • Rent control has proven unsuccessful in every jurisdiction where it has been tried. By forcing owners and managers to make difficult choices with limited revenue, rent control ultimately hurts the residents it is supposed to help.

➡ ️Please act today by contacting your Representatives and Senators and asking them to oppose the Biden Administration's rent control plan and to make a public statement of opposition.

Please keep a couple of things in mind:

  • Click the above image to enter your property address and it will match you with your Representatives.
  • Congress is in recess the week of July 15-19, so you will likely not reach a Member directly.
  • Therefore, be patient and polite when talking with the local office staff; their job is to help constituents and communicate their concerns to the Member. They are not legislative staff.
  • The staff will be taking your message and passing it on to the Member; they won't have the ability to give a yes or a no, but they will make sure you can contact them again.
  • Below is a template letter you can use to e-mail your representative--feel free to modify it.

"We do not have government by the majority. 
We have government by the majority who participate." 

Thomas Jefferson


Subject: Urgent: Oppose President Biden's Proposed Tax Increase on Apartment Owners

Dear [State Representative's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As a property owner and landlord in your district, I am writing to express my strong opposition to President Biden's recent proposal to raise taxes on apartment owners and operators who increase rents by more than 5% in a year.

Rent control has been shown to be unsuccessful in every jurisdiction where it has been implemented. By forcing owners and managers to make difficult choices with limited revenue, rent control ultimately hurts the very residents it is intended to help. The proposed tax increase would exacerbate these issues, leading to a reduction in the quality and availability of rental housing.

I urge you to oppose this proposal and to make a public statement against it. Please help protect the rights of property owners and the well-being of our residents.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Property Address]
[Number of Units you Provide]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Other Ways You Can Be Heard:

We desperately need your strong support by contributing to the AAGLA PAC Fund. The stakes are incredibly high. Losing at the ballot box could lead to devastating financial losses, far exceeding a mere few hundred or thousand dollars today. The outcome could result in catastrophic losses amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost rental income and a severe drop in the equity value of your investment properties. Act now to protect your future and safeguard your investments!

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."