Ojai Directs Staff to Prepare Draft Rent Control Ordinance
On February 14th, the Ojai City Council directed staff to prepare a draft ordinance for rent stabilization and tenant protections. The motion was approved by the City Council on a vote of 4 to 0 with 1 abstention. Mayor Stix spoke strongly in favor of rent stabilization and demanded that a draft be returned immediately by staff for an ordinance. Council Member Leslie Rule abstained from the vote stating that it was improper for an ordinance to be prepared without any prior stakeholder engagement.
Neither Mayor Stix nor the staff report provided any data or other evidence as to why new rent increase limitations are needed in Ojai beyond those already provided statewide under existing state law (Assembly Bill 1482) nor any indication as to why this matter is so urgent as to skip any substantive engagement with rental housing providers for their input and recommendations. Further, the staff report used as a comparison to the city of Bell Gardens, which has no similarities to Ojai based on median income, average rent prices, rent increase percentages, number of rental units or any other pertinent data factors.
At the meeting, the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA) voiced its strong opposition to rent stabilization and additional eviction limitations. Instead, AAGLA urged the City Council to create direct rental subsidies for renters in need of financial assistance and to create an expedited permitting process for affordable rental housing developments to increase the supply of rental housing in Ojai. In addition, AAGLA encouraged the City to conduct a workshop for all residents on the existing statewide protections provided by Assembly Bill 1482 (AB1482), which include a limitation on rent increases as well as Just Cause eviction limitations with relocation fees.
AAGLA anticipates a draft ordinance will be presented for first reading at the next City Council meeting on February 28th. AAGLA will be continuing to reach out to our members in Ojai as well as conducting one-on-one meetings with City Council members to help better educate them on the substantial negative impact that rent stabilization will have on rental housing in Ojai.
This article is for informational purposes only. If you have any questions regarding your property or specific tenancies and the requirements of any local law changes described herein, please consult with an attorney.