Lawn Signs Now Available for Pick-Up on L.A.’s Westside

Industry News,

“No ON 33” Lawn Signs Now Available for Pick-Up on L.A.’s Westside

 Be Sure to GET YOUR NO ON 33 LAWN SIGNS From AAGLA Before It’s Too Late!

GET YOUR LAWN SIGNS HERE…Limited quantities of “VOTE NO ON PROP. 33” lawn signs are now available for pick-up from two locations:

Members can also reserve and pre-order lawn signs for either pick-up or shipping (additional charges for shipping will apply). Help us get the message out to VOTE NO ON PROP. 33!

As we gear up and approach the critical time when mail-in ballots are received and voters go to the polls, now is the time to get out opposition messaging about Proposition 33 and let all Californians know about the horrible impacts this ballot measure will have by making California’s housing crisis far worse. Proposition 33 is bad for renters and even worse for rental property owners.

The “NO ON PROPOSITION 33” campaign is a fight to protect YOUR property rights, We’ve seen the horrible impacts measures like Proposition 33 have had in New York City where property values have dropped by 30% to 40%, tens of thousands of rental units stay vacant because it doesn’t pay to renovate when owners cannot increase rent to market, and housing shortages have gotten even worse, renters have far fewer housing choices and the quality of available housing suffers as owners are unable to properly maintain their buildings.


Proposition 33 isn’t just another piece of legislation that can later be “tweaked” to fix unintended consequences that will eventually occur—Proposition 33 is a constitutional amendment that can only be fixed through a subsequent vote of all Californians and cannot be amended by our state’s legislature. 

If passed, Proposition 33 will:

  • Eliminate your right to increase rent after a vacancy. Vacancy de-control will not longer be permitted. The government will dictate how much you can raise the rent for a new tenancy.
  • Expands rent control to currently exempt properties such as single-family homes, condominiums, and newer construction. State law called the “Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act” which exempts properties from local rent control and allows vacancy de-control will be repealed if Proposition 33 is passed.
  • Increased and new kinds of fees will be assessed on properties to fund administration and enforcement of local rent control regimes. Some of these costs will be passed along to renters as rent increases.
  • Does not provide housing. Proposition 33 does not require construction of even one unit of housing, yet it makes current housing shortages far worse by removing any profit incentives of owners and deterring owners from staying in the rental housing market.
  • Proposition 33 is sponsored and funded by Michael Weinstein, the President and Founder of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and which makes millions of dollars every year buying discounted Medi-Cal drugs through the discount Federal drug program, and reselling them for big profits to its patients. Weinstein and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation is  using those profits to qualify and fund ballot measures like Proposition 33 and the two similar, previous ballot measures (Propositions 10 and 21) both of which that failed, and now he's spending millions on this third ballot measure here in California.

Studies show that in close political races, lawn signs can make a significant impact. They serve as a powerful visual reminder to your neighbors and community about what's at stake. By placing a lawn sign in front of your property, you're not just showing where you stand—you're helping to influence public opinion and sway the outcome of this crucial vote.

Get Your Free Lawn Signs Today!

We're offering FREE lawn signs to all AAGLA members to help spread the word on voting “NO ON PROPOSITION 33.” Displaying a lawn sign is one of the simplest and most effective ways you can contribute to our collective effort. Each sign is a beacon of resistance against this harmful initiative and a testament to our unity as property owners.

Don't wait until it's too late. Help us stop Proposition 33 in its tracks. Pick up your lawn signs and take a stand for your rights, your property, and your future.

How to Get Your Sign: Simply visit our office or contact us to arrange a pickup at You can also pre-order your signs for pick-up at the AAGLA office or for deliver through the AAGLA Online Store at [LINK]. If you require shipping, additional charges will apply. Together, we can make a difference. Let’s ensure that our message is seen and heard across Los Angeles: VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 33!

Please help us in our fight to oppose Proposition 33. Make a generous contribution to the AAGLA Issues PAC – No on Prop. 33 campaign at Give us the necessary resources to defeat Proposition 33.

 Because sign quantities are limited, we ask that members request no more than 5 signs each unless you provide a valid reason for needing more.