California Attorney General Bonta Alerts City Attorneys and County Counsel of New Enforcement Author

Industry News,

California Attorney General Bonta Alerts City Attorneys and County Counsel of New Enforcement Authority under the Tenant Protection Act


California Attorney General, Rob Bonta, issued an information bulletin to city attorneys and county counsel reminding them of their new enforcement authority under Assembly Bill 1482, known as California’s Tenant Protection Act (TPA), which enforcement authority was passed in 2023’s amendment to the TPA, Senate Bill 567. Effective as of April 1, 2024, Senate Bill 567 strengthens the TPA’s protections, creates new remedies for violations, and gives all city attorneys and county counsel express authority to enforce the TPA directly.   

Key Provisions of the Tenant Protection Act

    • The TPA prohibits landlords from evicting tenants without just cause. Senate Bill 567’s amendment to the TPA imposes requirements designed to prevent landlords from falsely claiming a just cause basis for eviction. 
    • The TPA also prohibits landlords from raising rent more than 10% total or 5% plus the percentage change in the cost of living, whichever is lower, over a 12-month period. Under Senate Bill 567, landlords who violate the TPA may be liable to tenants for damages, attorneys’ fees and costs, and other relief. According to Attorney General Bonta’s information bulletin:

    Enforcement Authority for City Attorneys and County Counsel

    According to Attorney General Bonta’s information bulletin:

    • City attorneys and county counsel may, in the name of their city or county, seek injunctive relief based on violations of the TPA for rental units within their jurisdiction. This new authority is in addition to any existing authority they have to enforce violations of landlord-tenant laws, such as local ordinances or, if applicable, under Business and Professions Code section 17200.
    • If cities and counties receive reports from tenants, legal aid organizations, tenant advocates, or other local officials about violations of the TPA, city attorneys and county counsel are encouraged to use their authority to investigate those reports and, if appropriate, file suit to seek an injunction on behalf of their city or county to stop misconduct they identify.


    All this sounds like Attorney General Bonta is in charge of the new Gulag or the Gestapo, and will soon be coming after retirees and others who provide the state’s badly needed rental housing in response to unfounded claims of wrongdoing made by tenant rights groups who have a political bent against property owners and advocate for a government takeover of all private property so these tenant groups can be afforded free or discounted housing.