AAGLA Endorses Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek: Lawn Signs Available to Show Your Support for Mayor

Industry News,
Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek has a strong government background and was a member of the Pasadena City Council from 2009 to 2015 and then was elected Mayor in 2015.  Mayor Tornek also has a strong understanding of housing issues and the negative implications rent control has on new housing development and owners’ ability to maintain existing housing.  As Mayor, he has publicly expressed his opposition to rent control.  Mayor Tornek understands the key issues facing the Multifamily Rental Housing Industry.

If you own properties in Pasadena and wish to express support for the Mayor Tornek in his re-election campaign by placing a lawn sign at your property, please contact Mayor Tornek’s campaign through Joshua or Claudia Tornek; jatornek@hotmail.com.  Please help to support Mayor Tornek’s re-election campaign.

Help us keep on fighting. Please make sure we have the resources to fight proposed legislation that harms your investment in rental property. Support the AAGLA Political Action Committee. Give today! Please contribute generously by mailing your check to AAGLA PAC, c/o Reed & Davidson, LLP, 515 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1110, Los Angeles, California 90071-3301; Attn. C. Davidson, Treasurer, or contribute online via credit card at: https://aagla.org/pac/. Every dollar counts in the fight to protect your property rights and your bottom line.