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Proposition 65 Sign

California Proposition 65 requires warnings to be provided to each known adult occupant of a rental property at the time of renting, leasing, or “hiring out” the property. The warning must be initially made and renewed each year by one of the following methods: (1) delivering a letter to each known adult tenant; (2) sending an electronic message to each known adult tenant’s email address; or (3) including the warning in a lease or rental agreement.

On this sign, the name of at least one chemical that is a carcinogen and/or reproductive toxicant that is present at the property must be listed.

Although landlords are not required to use this sign and warn residents of the presence of cancer-causing chemicals, use of this sign provides a “safe harbor.” Declining to provide the warning may pose a risk of enforcement action, whereby landlords would need to defend their warnings as being “clear and reasonable.” Landlords that fail to provide adequate warnings are subject to penalties as high as $2,500 per violation per day.

Sign is printed on 3mm PVC (Sintra) – a lightweight yet durable material ideal for both indoor and outdoor signage. It is waterproof, easy to clean, and features a low-gloss surface to reduce glare.

Dimensions (Approximate): 18" x 24"

Non-Member Price: $44
Member Price: $35