Balcony Inspection Aches? DrBalcony is Here with the "Remedy"!

Thursday, April 17, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)
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* Registration open until 4/17/25 at 11:00 AM (PST)
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* Registration open until 4/17/25 at 11:00 AM (PST)
Category: AAGLA Member Webinars

Balcony Inspection Aches?  DrBalcony is Here with the "Remedy!”
Learn all about YOUR obligations under this state law from a leading engineering expert, EEE  Advisor Engineering


Date / Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon), on Thursday, April 17, 2025
Register: Logged In Users Can Register Using the “Register Now” Button.
Cost: FREE to all AAGLA members

Are you up to speed on California Law that now requires YOU to have YOUR balconies and other elevated exterior elements (“EEEs” or “EEEs”) at your building inspected by January 1, 2026?  Make sure YOU are in compliance with the law!

On June 16, 2015, six people died and seven others were injured in a tragic residential balcony collapse in Berkeley, California. Structural analysis revealed that the wood framing of the balcony was severely weakened by dry rot from rainwater penetration due to improper sealing of the balcony to the main building. In response, California enacted Senate Bill 721 (a/k/a “The Balcony Bill” or “SB 721”) on September 17, 2018. SB 721 (Chapter 445, Stats. 2018) requires the inspection of balconies and other “exterior elevated elements” at all multifamily residential buildings with three or more units.

Join us for this important presentation where we will provide YOU with everything YOU need to know about Senate Bill 721. During the webinar, we will review the various aspects of SB 721, and explain exactly what is meant by an “elevated exterior element.”  We will discuss the reasons why SB 721 was created and discuss the bill’s specific inspection and reporting requirements. SB 721 makes mandatory an inspection of properties with wooden exterior elevated elements (EEE’s), which include balconies, overhead walkways, stairwells, and railings. Most importantly, learn how much these inspections cost and how you can get your inspections completed on time before the deadline!

This will be a live, interactive, online learning session. Live Q&A will take place throughout the online seminar. Please join us for what will surely be an extremely informative and timely presentation.  If you have any questions, please contact Events Manager, Diana Alcaraz, via email at We look forward to seeing you.

Important Disclaimer: The information and materials provided during this presentation is for general information purposes only. Absolutely no legal or tax advice is being given during this presentation. Keep in mind that every situation is unique, and the laws, rules and regulations are subject to change at any time. So, before acting, be sure to obtain tax and/or legal advice from your licensed professional.

Seminar Leader: 

Omid Ghanadiof, President, DrBalcony
Omidreza (“Omid”) Ghanadiof is the President of DrBalcony and EEEAdvisor, Inc. He has over ten years’ experience in the area of technical engineering leadership. His strategy and innovation have propelled company expansion. As the creator of "DrBalcony" mobile application and innovative seismic devices, Omid holds patents and holds master’s degrees in marketing and industrial management. He and his team assist both owners and homeowner associations (HOAs) with compliance under balcony inspection ordinances Senate Bills 721 and 326.


Daniel Yukelson, AAGLA Executive Director

Daniel Yukelson, AAGLA Executive Director. Daniel Yukelson is currently the Executive Director of The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA). As Certified Public Accountant, Yukelson began his career at Ernst & Young, the global accounting firm, and had served in senior financial roles principally as Chief Financial Officer for various public, private and start-up companies, including as Chief Financial Officer of Premiere Radio Networks, the largest U.S. radio network and now subsidiary of iHeart Media, and as Chief Financial Officer of Oasis West Realty, the owner of the Beverly Hilton and Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills. He is a former planning commissioner in the City of Beverly Hills and served as its Chairperson.


DrBalcony is a trusted name in Inspection innovation. Since our establishment in 2021, we’ve been committed to bridging the gap between property owners and skilled Inspectors. With a focus on precision, technology, and trust, DrBalcony is where projects take flight, making California balconies safer with the expertise of over 4000 inspections. 

Need your balconies inspected?  DrBalcony is a specialized engineering and structural inspection firm located in Southern California. DrBalcony assists rental property owners and homeowners’ associations (HOAs) with their compliance with state mandated balcony inspections per Senate Bills 721 and 326. DrBalcony is a leading engineering inspection company that assists clients in meeting the January 1, 2025, deadline for compliance with Senate Bills 721 and 326. For more information, contact Mr. Omid Ghanadiof, Co-Founder of DrBalcony, at (805) 312-8508 or simply email them at or go to

* Registration open until 4/17/25 at 11:00 AM (PST)
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* Registration open until 4/17/25 at 11:00 AM (PST)


Omid Ghanadiof


Dan Yukelson

Presenting Sponsor

For More Information:

Diana Alcaraz

Diana Alcaraz

Notary Public

Manager, Events & Education, Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles

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