Protect Your Property Value: Help AAGLA’s Advocacy Efforts!

For more than 100 years, the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (AAGLA) has been the voice of the rental housing industry in Southern California.  AAGLA serves as a powerful advocate and lobbyist for rental housing providers at the local, county, state, and federal levels of government.  Owning and operating rental housing today has become a highly regulated industry, and accordingly, owning and managing rental property has become far more challenging and riskier than ever before. Without an organization such as the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles, there would be no other voice fighting for the rights of property owners within city halls, county offices, and at state and federal capitols. AAGLA IS THE VOICE THAT AFFECTS CHANGE!

What is AAGLA PAC?

The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles’ two Political Action Committees, the AAGLA PAC and AAGLA Issues PAC are non-partisan political entities of AAGLA.  The AAGLA PAC and AAGLA Issues PAC are dedicated to advocacy efforts to ensure the protection, preservation, and advancement of the interests of rental housing providers throughout California.

All contributions to the AAGLA PAC or AAGLA Issues PAC allow us to support lawmakers who have rental housing providers best interests in mind, defeat ballot initiatives that may strip you of your property rights, and provide funding for legal challenges as we continue to fight to protect the rights of all rental property owners in the greater Los Angeles area.

Why should I get involved?

By generously giving to the AAGLA Legal Fund, AAGLA PAC or AAGLA Issues PAC, you will help influence new policies and allow rental housing providers to continue creating quality and affordable homes for residents across all of Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties while at the same time help to protect the value of your investment in rental property.  Do not let the government continue to deprive you of your property rights. Join us and be part of impacting positive change in the rental housing industry today and contribute to one of our Political Action Committees!